Coil Pots, 2023

Some first-ever created large coiled pots are estimated to have been created 8,000 and 12,000 years ago, which puts them in the Jōmon period. The coil method was the most stable way to create large vessels before the existence of throwing wheels and are common all across the world and can be found in many cultures. 

While focusing on shape and form, Lisa Geue creates big coil pots, reaching a height up to 60cm. Fired with slips, shells and reactive glazes, ancient and old appearances with a reference to Mediterranean vessels are created.

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Coil Pots, 2023

24 February - 30 March

Ceramic Kingdom, Berlin

L - R

Amphora, 2023
17 x 15,5 x 15cm
Stoneware, reactive slip, glaze

Coil Pot, 2023
41 x 35 x 35,5cm
Stoneware, reactive slip, glaze

Coil Pot, 2023
43 x 41 x 41cm
Stoneware, Porcelain slip, glaze


© Lisa Geue, 2025