Amphor Blanc, 2022 is a series of vessels concentrating on ancient and traditional -and with that- simple shapes and forms. Inspired by ancient Greek and Mediterranean pottery, these vessels and their characteristic shape raise associations with the amphorae (/ˈæmfərə/; Ancient Greek: ἀμφορεύς): a type of vessel with a prehistoric origin used to transport and storage various products, both liquid and dry, but mostly wine. A typical attribute were handles which were placed symmetrically, connecting the rim with the shoulder. By creating vessels without these prominent features, Lisa Geue is concentrating on the body itself, leaving room to focus on a highly textured surface, which is part of her aesthetical language. White glazes with golden and bronze flashings were created with Shino glazes, Strontium and Tin Oxide and seek reference to the original appearance.
Terracotta, Stoneware, reactive slips, SrCO3

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The Vessel has become an archetypal symbol through the eras in human existence, for their craftsmanship and spiritual rituals. With becoming a main focus in Lisa Geue’s work, the vessel and its archetypal status receive a primary role.

Available at Michael Reid, Northern Beaches, Sydney


© Lisa Geue, 2025